Sheet Pile Slope Renewal With Movax Sonic Vibratory Pile Driver
Sheet Pile Slope Restoration Project
Our client, the District of Taylor, reached out to us when they noticed that the soil around their water supply tanks was eroding, posing a danger of site collapse due to the nearby slope. To address this issue, we proposed Sheet Pile Slope Restoration as the solution.
danger that the site would collapse without intervention.

The site presented a number of obstacles. Mainly, the soil was very dense and unreceptive to many popular piling methods. In addition to this, the steep slope meant that the site had a very narrow access point.
We were able to bypass the limited site access by using our Movax Sonic Vibratory Pile Driver. The vibratory-head reduces the amount of equipment required for installation to a single vehicle. Our experience and cooperative approach allowed us to create a strong 68m long sheet-pile wall efficiently and with minimal site disturbance.
No. of Piles: 3
Pile Type: Sheet Pile
Application: Foundation Replacement